Hello World - A Message from Scott

Well here goes nothing. First, let's get introductions out of the way.  My name is Scott Morris and I work for Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster, OH.  I'm their "iForm guy."  If you work at a hospital with McKesson's HEO (Horizon Expert Orders) system, you'll know what I'm talking about.  If you don't have any idea what I just said, then this blog will probably not make much sense to you.

When I first got involved with the project, there were primarily clinical resources working on the iForms. Don't get me wrong, the gentleman that was creating our iForms was smart and technically-minded, but he didn't have a very strong background in coding.  This lead to pages that worked technically, but had basic functionality.

As I continued to delve deeper into the fray, I found and created all sorts of fun ways to make our iForms more and more intuitive, functional, and frankly, easier for me to work with.  It probably wasn't until I attended McKesson's VGR training in Dallas that I realized just how large the gap is between where we seem to be as  community and where we could be.

Also, I couldn't find anything, and I mean ANYTHING when searching for HEO, VGR, or iForms on any of the major search engines that was referential or helpful for iForm-specific development.  I know that there are some resources out there (we'll go over those), but as they say, "If you can't find it, it [essentially] doesn't exist."

And before I finish, I feel it important to get this all out of the way:

  • The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Fairfield Medical Center or any other professional organization that may be implied or direction mentioned.
  • All trademarks remain property of their respective holders, and are used only to directly describe the products being provided.  Their use in no way indicates any relationship between this myself, this blog and the holders of said trademarks.


  1. I see you forgot to mention your most excellent instructor. :)

  2. The VGR class that we attended was led by the lovely and talented Bruce Lane who has a strong dislike for cheese (and all things "spoiled") and in his spare time enjoys "turning things."

    Was that enough of a shameless plug? ;)

  3. I was enjoing reading you blog. Finally I can see at least one person with some skills working on iforms.

    I am working with the same staff from september of 2011 and basically has the same problems.

    You can see some of my work at www.remedysol.com

    Let me know what you like and what you do not.

    Leon Frid

    you can contact me

    at lfrid@hunthosp.org
