Welcome, Make Yourself at Home

I've been watching the traffic for the blog for these last few weeks and it seems that my assumption was correct. Even with the vast reaches of the Internet, there really isn't much to be found about McKesson's VGR scripting language and so people are ending up here. So welcome, we're so glad that you found us.

As you've probably noticed, Russ and I like to tackle problems and share ideas. If you ever have any questions about the solutions that we propose here, please don't hesitate to ask. I can't promise that we'll always have answers or that we will be able to respond very quickly, but I can promise that we'll help whenever and however we can. We have more ideas of what to share in the coming weeks, but your questions could turn into blog posts of their own.

If you've found this blog to be helpful, and even if you don't have any questions, take a second to leave a comment or just to say hello. It will help us keep motivated to know that real people are out there.


  1. Hello from Mercy Hospital in Iowa City! A group of us here have begun implementing HEO iForms and are finding your website very helpful. We may have some to contribute in the future. We appreciate the work that you have done. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hello Mercy Hospital! I'm so glad to hear that we're helping!

  3. Hi! My name is Mike Burrows, and I am the iForm developer for Phoebe Putney Health Systems in Southwest GA.

    Our facility started out with standard iForms. Generally, I develop the HTML files and HEO clinical analysts create the post rules in the toolkit. Toolkit programming has proven to be time consuming and somewhat frustrating, so we are looking into utilizing VGR forms in the future. As such, I have been charged with learning everything I can on the subject.

    I just wanted to say thanks for creating this blog. I know it will come in very handy for me and other iForm devs out there.

  4. Hi Mike, thanks for stopping by! We were in a similar situation at my hospital; we were building all of our iForms using standard post rules in the toolkit and it worked "fine" but was tedious and time consuming. I'm not going to lie and say that VGR is a silver bullet, but it does allow for copy/paste and other kinds of shortcuts (especially if you're good with programming).

    To give you a little bit of encouragement, if you're familiar with the post rules, VGR is pretty much the same thing only done in a different syntax. Instead of "If myCheckbox is checked then PLACE ORDER myOrder, myDetails", it's:

    EDIT,SET,,orderstring,CAT,"@LOAD_ORDER=OIS=123456^^^OOS=0^^^{OTHER DETAILS}"

    And while it may seem strange at first, it makes sense pretty quickly.

  5. Scott and Russ,
    There are prompt response values that contain a plus sign(+). I have yet to be able to pass this from the .htm through .vgr to HEO. Any thoughts?


  6. Bruce,
    You may need to change your drop-down values for those particular prompts. For example, let's just say that you have a dropdown box called "cboExample" that has age groups with options:
    - 0 to 17
    - 18 to 65
    - 65+

    And then you try to just map it in VGR:


    You may find that the first two options work, but the "65+" does not. I believe, but have not officially confirmed, that the HEO product doesn't have a fully-functional url decoder. (See http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp for more information) So it may not be able to turn the %2B back to a plus sign.

    To get around it, try changing your HTML to be:

    - 0 to 17
    - 18 to 65
    - 65+ (value="over 65")
    And your VGR to be:

    EDIT,IF,,cboExample,EQ,"over 65",THEN

    EDIT,IF,,cboExample,NE,"over 65",THEN

    Give it a shot and let me know how it works out. If so, maybe I'll make a full post out of the concept so the code will make more sense.

  7. Hey Bruce,
    Is that what you're trying to do, pass the actual plus sign over? you can use the html numeric codes found here: http://webdesign.about.com/od/localization/l/blhtmlcodes-math.htm to pass symbols across. We ran into the same problem with < and >.

    Plus is + and seems to go into HEO fine in the quick test I just tried.

  8. oh comment box... I see what you did there.

    let me rephrase, plus is & #43; without the space after the &

  9. Hi Mike,
    You're right in my backyard, I'm down in Valdosta at SGMC.

  10. Scott and Russ,
    Thanks for putting this site together. It looks great! I'm a consultant and have been writing iForms for a solid 3 years. It's nice to find a spot to share ideas and ask questions.


  11. Hello

    I was wondering how you handle submitting when using a tabbed iform. (one HTML page with multiple tabs via JavaScript)

    Example: (abominal pain)
    Tab 1 - Lower abd pain - has 3 prechecked selections
    tab 2 - Upper abd pain - has 4 prechecked selections.

    When you submit, how do you submit the orders on one tab without the orders on the other tab also being submitted?



  12. Hey Jason, thanks for stopping by! I started putting together an answer to your question, but it's too long and involved to put here in the comments, so I'm working on a blog post to get into it. Hopefully, I'll have it up soon, so keep checking back.

  13. Glad to have you on board Donna, starting to feel like a community around here :-)

  14. Just found your site. Your tips and scripting examples are just what I was looking for. I'm going to pursue learning jQuery due to all the great ideas you have presented. Thanks! I will be back often.

  15. I'm glad to help! If you have any questions, feel free to drop them off at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/heo-iforms

  16. Hi,

    I have an order with a multiple choice prompt. I'm looking for a way in vgr to concatenate the prompt answers.

    Thanks in advance.

  17. Kathy, are you able to post your question at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/heo-iforms ? It's much easier to have a dialog about the particulars there. If you can't, let me know.
